woensdag 17 september 2008

Geen antwoord van Simon..

Ik heb nu drie dagen niets meer gehoord van mijn goede vriend Simon. Net als ik denk dat hij mijn gemanipuleerde paspoort heeft ontmaskerd als nep krijg ik het volgende bericht op 4 september:

Dear Frits Brugman,

I am sorry for the delay of my response to your email dated 1/09/08. I have been working on the file to know the best and the most convenient way for you to make this claim. I noted that you have indicated your interest to come down to London to make this claim which is a very good decision.

You will be comeing to receive the boxes not to make the claim, because as it is you will have to employ the services of a resident probate lawyer to help you with the legal papers needed to inherit when there is no will. The bank acting as the Executor has recognized you officially as the next of kin to late Mr.Gerald Wilbur Ehnis.The bank with the help of this lawyer will affirm to Her Majesty's Court Service that you should be empowered to inherit by issuing a Letter of Administration in your favour.This letter of administration empowers you the next of kin to inherit and administer over the estate of the deceased.

The lawyer will also change the title of the depsoit from the Original depositor's name(Gerald Wilbur Ehnis) to your name(Frits Brugman).With this done the boxes will be released in your name, that is when you will show to receive the two boxes containing the funds.This way you will have legal documents to prove to any authority both in the United Kingdom and your country that the funds are legimately acquired by inheritance and free from terrorism, illegal arms acquisition,money laundry and Illegal drug deals.

The next step will be for you to get a resident probate lawyer to represent you in obtaining these documents from the court.It is very easy for a probate lawyer to do this since the bank will be of assistance to him.

I will work on a list of lawyers that has represented some of our customers successfully in the past so that I can recommend one of them to you.I will be back with the contact information of one of these lawyers today.

Please let me know what you feel about this suggestion of mine so that we can fine tune our plan together with your knowledge of claims of this nature.I will be waiting for your response while I continue to work on the list of lawyers.

My regards to you and your family,


Ondanks dat ik heb aangegeven dat ik naar London kom schrijft hij dat ik toch een advocaat nodig heb. Natuurlijk zal hij de beste voor mij uitzoeken, mijn toegewijde vriend!

Mijn paspoort

Nu ik wat meer tijd heb besluit ik om een mooi nep-paspoort te maken. Ik google wat op internet en vind een plaatje van een paspoort wat ik kan bewerken. Het resultaat is niet slecht al zeg ik het zelf:

In het bericht van 1 september schrijf ik over hoe ik het hele weekend heb moeten werken bla bla bla..

Dear mr. Ridley,
I am sorry that I could not write to you earlier. Thank you very much for your kind words. I had to work all weekend to correct the problem. You will not believe what a mess it was. Somebody installed a wrong version of a component and the whole system went crazy. They had to reinstall just about everything. Luckily everything is fine now. As a supervisor I had be there all the time. Anyway, I am glad that we can still continue with our project. I would not mind coming to the United Kingdom if thats what's required. I am quite looking forward to a trip. Please tell me what I need to arrange. In all chaos I still managed to make a scan of my passport (well actually my secretary did that). I have attached the file. I hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Frits Brugman

Op het paspoort ben ik ineens 51 terwijl ik eerder een leeftijd van 46 had opgegeven. Denk je dat Simon dit zal opmerken? Welnee..

Simon is erg begaan met mijn problemen..

Simon is een echte vriend, hij is begaan met de problemen op mijn werk! Maar hij wil nu toch echt dat ik tijdig reageer..

Dear Frits Brugman,

I received your email dated 29/08/08, and I am very sorry about the problem you encountered at your work place. I will be waiting to receive your email to let me know what is convenient for you, if you will want to come down here to the United Kingdom to make the claim or you want to employ the service of a lawyer to secure the release of your inheritance to you. Your timely response will be appreciated in this regard so that I can know how to advice you.

My regards to you and your family,


Mijn smoes..

Aangezien ik geen tijd had om direct te reageren, verzin ik maar een smoes over problemen op het werk. Op 29 augustus stuur ik het volgende bericht:

Dear Simon,
I am sorry that I could not reply to you sooner. Some problem occurred at my work and we have to fix this very soon otherwise there will be big trouble. I hope this will not cause any inconvineance to our project. I will be back at you tomorrow probably to scan the identification papers as you requested. Have a nice weekend!

Simon is weer ongerust..

Omdat ik *weer* niet op tijd reageer, stuurt mijn toegewijde vriend op 29 augustus maar weer een herinnering..

Dear Frits Brugman,

I am worried because I have not received any response from you since I sent the last email to you including the document attached.I hope you received that email.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this email so that I can be sure you received it so that we can proceed with this claim.

My regards to you and your family,


Ik ben erfgenaam geworden!

Simon heeft niet stilgezeten. Op 28 augustus ontvang ik het heugelijke bericht dat ik officieel erfgenaam ben geworden van de wijlen Mr.Gerald Wilbur Ehnis! Ik heb de keuze om naar Engeland te gaan en twee kisten met bezittingen zelf op te halen of om een advocaat in te huren en de hele zooi te laten opsturen. Ook stuurt hij een scan van het officiele document met de recognition as next of kin en een scan van zijn officiele Staff Identity Card.

Dear Frits Brugman,

How are you today? I believe you are fine and doing well. As for me I am okay. It is just that I am so anxious to conclude this project.

I have written a report on the final conclusion of the investigation stating that you are the you are the next of kin to late Mr.Gerald Wilbur Ehnis.I have defended my position on the matter and it has been approved. With this position, you have been recognized official to be the next of kin with the right to come forward to claim the estate of the deceased.An official letter of recognition as the next of kin to Mr.Gerald Wilbur Ehnis has been issued to that effect and a copy is attached to this email.I had to come to the office early to be able to send a copy to you.

As part of my plan to achieve success in this endeavour, I have meticulously mapped out every detail of this project toward ensuring success. After being successfully appointed next of kin, you have to either come down here yourself to apply for the release of the deposit or you will have to get somebody to represent you like a Lawyer to make the application on your behalf and initiate the shipment of the boxes in question to you there in your country.

The security firm do not know the actual content of the boxes, they are only aware that the boxes contains family valuables like Ornaments,jewelries,paintings etc.That was what we declared when making the deposit originally. What informed this decision was the fact that we intended shipping the boxes to Finland as a Diplomatic Cargo and if it is known what the contents are, it won't be possible. It is in the same vain that the boxes will be shipped to you if you can not come down here yourself.

You will have all the paper work from the appropriate Government quarters here to prove to any authority that the funds are inherited funds and genuine. The letter of Appointment that the bank has issued in your favour, will enable you get a LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION from Her Majesty's Court Service in the Probate Department. This Letter of Administration is issued in favour of a appointed Next of Kin where the Deceased died intestate (without a WILL).This Letter gives authority to the appointed next of kin by the Government of the United Kingdom to Administer over the estate of the deceased. With this done, you can now change the Title of the deposit to your name.

All these may sound cumbersome to you but, it is not, because, all these can be taken care of within a few days. At this point I will want you to take your convenience into consideration and let me know how you want us to proceed.

I await your response to enable us proceed with the claim.Note that I have attached a copy of my official Identity Card.I will also want you to send a copy of your photo Identity to me like your passport, drivers license, work Identity card etc.It is very important since I am now in the process of releasing so much money to you on trust, I need to know you and how you look like.


Simon Ridley

Het officiele document waarin ik erfgenaam ben geworden:

Simon's officiele identiteitskaart. Let op hoe slecht de foto is bewerkt. De originele naam is verwijderd, de achtergrond is knullig hersteld, de nieuwe naam is donkerder en scherper dan de rest en de handtekening klopt niet:

Mijn persoonlijke gegevens

Na zijn ontroerende epistel over eerlijkheid besluit ik Simon volledig te vertrouwen en hem mijn persoonlijke gegevens te sturen. Aangezien ik in mijn hotmail account de naam Frits Brugman heb ingevuld (wat niet mijn echte naam is) besluit ik om de adresgegevens van een filiaal van Brugman keukens in te vullen:

Dear mr. Ridley,
I understand what you are writing and I totally agree about being honest. Your letter has given me confidence that I am dealing with a sincere and honest person, and that we can be engaged in a mutually benificial transaction. That's why I will be happy to submit my personal information:
FULL NAMES: Frits Brugman
CONTACT ADDRESS:(adres van Brugman filiaal)
TEL:(telefoonnr. van Brugman filiaal)
OCCUPATION:Managing Director
I hope to hear from you soon.
Frits Brugman