dinsdag 16 september 2008

Het eerste contact

Op 21 augustus ontving ik op mijn hotmail account het volgende bericht van ene Simon Ridley, bank manager van de Standard bank in Londen. Er ligt een erfenis van 10 miljoen klaar maar er is niemand meer die er aanspraak op kan maken. Hij vraagt of ik door wil gaan voor erfgenaam zodat we de claim kunnen incasseren en beiden 5 miljoen rijker worden. Hij zal zorgen voor de juiste papieren. hier is het originele bericht:

Good day,

My name is Simon Ridley of Standard Bank,London branch, United Kingdom. I am contacting you in respect to a particular fund that was with our private bank whose original depositor died in mid 2005, In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away ($10 Million deposit) we instituted our own investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the funds. This investigation has for the past years been fruitless. We have scanned every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies to get to the root of the problem to no avail.

The bank will by the end of its financial year in 2008 broadcast a request for statements of claims, failing to receive viable claims they will revert the deposit back to Standard Bank accounting system. If you are familiar with private banking affair you will agree with me that the world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. As a matter of fact, my present official capacity as the Head of private banking sector dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation in relation to the deposit and the beneficiary of the deposit.

My proposal: I am prepared to norminate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you. We share the proceeds 50/50.There is a reward for this project and it is a task worth undertaking. I have evaluated the risk and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me. If you find yourself able to work with me, contact me. If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only through the numbers I will provide for you and also through this email address. I do not want any direct link between you and myself.

My official lines are not secured lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management Policy.
I await your response.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Simon Ridley

Een overduidelijke scam. Wie gaat er nu zomaar een wildvreemde vragen of hij een bank wil bedriegen en erfgenaam wil worden van 10 miljoen dollar. Ik besluit om het spelletje mee te spelen.

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